Last Epoch Holy Smiter Build Guide


Welcome to the divine realm of the Last Epoch, where heroes rise to confront the encroaching darkness with holy might. Today, we delve into the intricacies of the Holy Smiter build, a beacon of righteousness amidst the chaos of battle. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer seeking to refresh your arsenal or a novice eager to embrace the divine, this guide will illuminate the path to mastery.

Introduction: The Evolution of Holy Smiter

The Holy Smiter build has undergone a significant transformation with the introduction of Healing Hands to the Last Epoch. This powerful addition enhances the build's synergy, allowing players to wield the divine forces of Smite and Storm Bolts with unparalleled precision. No longer confined to passive support, Healing Hands empowers the Holy Smiter to deliver devastating blows while offering essential healing to allies.

Skills: Channeling the Divine

At the heart of the Holy Smiter build lies a strategic selection of skills designed to maximize damage output and sustain.

1. Smite: The cornerstone of the build, Smite serves as both a primary damage-dealing ability and a catalyst for triggering other skills. By investing in lightning enhancements and synergistic nodes such as Unbalanced Scale, players can unleash devastating barrages of divine energy upon their foes.

2. Healing Hands: A recent addition to the arsenal, Healing Hands complements Smite by providing essential healing to allies and bolstering the build's survivability. With careful investment in damage-boosting nodes and mana management, players can harness the full potential of this divine intervention.

3. Holy Aura: In the face of escalating challenges, Holy Aura offers a shield of protection against the forces of darkness. By prioritizing elemental resistance and block effectiveness, players can fortify their defenses while maintaining a relentless offensive onslaught.

4. Volatile Reversal: A versatile skill that not only enhances damage output but also facilitates strategic repositioning on the battlefield. With precise timing and execution, players can capitalize on the offensive and defensive capabilities of Volatile Reversal to gain the upper hand in combat.

5. Lunge: A swift and agile maneuver that synergizes seamlessly with Smite, providing additional damage and utility in the heat of battle. With multiple charges and the ability to trigger Smite automatically, Lunge becomes an essential tool for engaging enemies and maintaining momentum.

Passives: Strengthening the Divine Connection

The Holy Smiter build relies on a balanced allocation of passives to maximize both offense and defense. By investing in key attributes such as armor, resistance, and mana management, players can enhance their divine prowess while mitigating incoming threats.

Gear: Forging the Path of the Holy Warrior

The equipment selection plays a crucial role in shaping the Holy Smiter's capabilities on the battlefield. From the indispensable Devotion Amulet, which amplifies the power of Smite based on mana management, to the formidable Storm Carve Testament, every piece of gear contributes to the build's strength and resilience.

Blessings and Idols: Empowering the Divine Arsenal

Blessings and Idols offer additional avenues for enhancing the Holy Smiter's effectiveness in combat. By prioritizing damage to Smite and health bonuses, players can further augment their divine abilities and withstand the relentless onslaught of their adversaries.

Conclusion: Embrace the Light, Vanquish the Darkness

In the ever-changing world of the Last Epoch, the Holy Smiter stands as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows. With a mastery of divine skills, strategic passives, and formidable gear, players can unleash the full might of the heavens upon their foes. So, embrace the light, sharpen your blade, and embark on a journey to vanquish the darkness once and for all.

This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap for players seeking to harness the power of the Holy Smiter built in the Last Epoch. By the way, do you want to get Last Epoch gear quickly? Accumulate enough Last Epoch Gold to stay one step ahead in the game. offers you the best help. Good luck.