5 Essential Tips for Success Guide in Skull and Bones


Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft, is set to release this weekend. Having had the privilege of early access to the game, I've delved deep into its mechanics, explored its vast world, and battled fierce opponents on the high seas. Through my journey, I've unearthed five crucial insights that every aspiring pirate should know before embarking on their adventure in Skull and Bones.

Always Be Harvesting:

One of the fundamental aspects of Skull and Bones is resource gathering, commonly known as harvesting. While it may seem tempting to focus solely on plundering enemy ships for materials, dedicating time to harvesting is equally essential. The game's refining system heavily relies on base materials obtained through harvesting, which are crucial for crafting ships, weapons, and furniture. Upgrading your harvesting tools enhances efficiency, allowing you to extract double the materials from resources if you can land in the purple section of the harvesting bar. By prioritizing harvesting and optimizing your tools, you'll ensure a steady supply of resources for your endeavors.

Blueprint Locations and Tracking:

In Skull and Bones, acquiring blueprints for ship upgrades is paramount to your success as a pirate captain. Fortunately, the game offers a convenient feature to track blueprint locations. By interacting with a shop and selecting the blueprint you desire, you can pin its location on the map, even if it's obscured by the fog of the unknown world. Once obtained, the game provides a clear overview of the required materials for crafting the blueprint, along with marked locations where these materials can be found. This invaluable tool streamlines your exploration efforts and facilitates strategic planning for ship upgrades.

Utilize Trade Routes:

When faced with the challenge of acquiring specific materials that elude your current capabilities, turning to trade routes can be a viable solution. Certain settlements serve as hubs for distinct factions, offering a plethora of purchasable items, including rare materials. If plundering proves too difficult or risky, Skull and Bones Silver investing in trade goods from these locations can expedite your progression. By strategically leveraging trade routes, you can bolster your resources and swiftly ascend to higher-level ships, thereby enhancing your plundering capabilities in the long run.

Efficient Sailing:

Navigating the vast waters of Skull and Bones can be a time-consuming endeavor, especially when transitioning between ports and outposts. To expedite your journey, utilize the "Hold B to set sail" feature, which swiftly transports you to the sailing menu without the need to traverse back to your ship manually. This time-saving shortcut minimizes downtime spent navigating menus and maximizes your time on the open seas, where true adventures await.

Master the Art of Cooking:

While cooking may not initially seem appealing, it plays a crucial role in maintaining your crew's stamina during extended voyages. By gathering local flora and cooking them, you can double their efficiency as stamina-replenishing consumables. This means you can sustain higher levels of activity, such as maintaining full sails, without depleting your crew's stamina excessively. Embracing the cooking mechanics in Skull and Bones grants you a significant advantage and ensures your crew remains at peak performance throughout your maritime escapades.

In conclusion, Skull and Bones offers a rich and immersive pirate experience, replete with strategic depth and thrilling naval combat. By adhering to these five essential tips, you'll navigate the treacherous waters with confidence, amass a formidable fleet, and carve out your legacy as a legendary pirate captain. As you set sail on your adventure, may fortune favor the bold, and may the winds guide you to untold riches and glory on the high seas.